Saturday, May 17, 2008

So very typical

Well after two attempts of emailing the local reviewer for an explanation on groundspeak's false accusation of, it was rather disturbing that there were no responses. Not even a canned scripted one.

Isn't it common courtesy, even though you are not 'allowed' to say anything, to at least send a response back to a paying member?

How about a 'thank you for your email, however, blah blah blah."

Here's the response i finally received:


If you feel that you are not getting the level of service you should be from the reviewers or forum moderators simply e-mail: with your concerns.

This e-mail address is only for reporting concerns regarding Cache Reviewers and Forum Moderators.:"

hahahaha!! yeah right. As if TPTB would actually do anything against one of their drone robots who so willingly follow blindly.

That response more or less tells it all ..


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