Friday, May 22, 2009

but of course!

Doesn't it figure!? Today being a Friday before the 3-day Memorial weekend and the dryer blows out. Dead. It was just working, but then stopped heating, now it won't even turn on.


That means that the repair company won't be able to be here until after Tuesday of next week. Oh joy :(

Oh well, I guess when they do come out, we'll also have them fix the oven which hasn't properly heated now for about a year. That means we will finally be able to have crispy crust pizza again instead of just heated up!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

but there's no room . .

Our 7-month old Malamute puppy, Kodi, had decided how neat it is to crawl under our bed. Mind you, there's only about 6 or 8 inches of space from the springs to the floor, so there's not much clearance.

He has learned, however, that he can lay on his side, and squirm his way under until he gets to the middle of the bed. Great. At least he's somewhat stopped chewing the carpet underneath.

The only problem is when our other Mal, Chloe, grumbles and growls at him as he playfully nips at her nose (only her head fits under the bed now) and wakes us up before the alarm.

He hears us get up, gets all excited because we're awake and he gets to go outside! Oh, but wait, he can't get out because now he is on his belly and there is no way he can wiggle out from underneath.

So it turns into a production trying to get him out as he sits there and excitedly howls and yips and is all wiggly.

Patience. Yes, patience. Soon he will be too big to even squirm under there and we won't wake up to grumbles and growls and yips.
